If you would like to learn more about hierarchies, view this article first.
If your organization will be using tags, we recommend you set them up before you create your hierarchy.
To set up your organization's hierarchy structure, navigate to Account Settings and go to the Hierarchies page.
You will see that the top/root node of your hierarchy has already been created.
"Node" is a general term for any single component within a hierarchy structure.
Some nodes will be parent nodes, meaning they have nodes that are subordinate to them in the hierarchy.
Other nodes will be child nodes, meaning they are subordinate to another node in the hierarchy.
The last node(s) in a branch of the hierarchy would be the location node(s); they are also referred to as a leaf node.
How you build your hierarchy is entirely up to you, however, you might find it easiest if you work from the top down. That is, start by adding all the nodes in the first level of your hierarchy, and then add the nodes that exist under each of those, and continue doing that right down to the location nodes.
For example, your organization might have three levels in your hierarchy:
- Region
- District
- Location
You would begin by adding all your regions under the root node...
...then add all the district nodes under each region...
...and finally, add all the location nodes under each of the district nodes.
To begin building your hierarchy structure, mouse over the root node and click on the +.
In the Create Node interface:
- Enter the Name of your node.
- A system-generated value is entered in the Client Code field; you can leave it as is, or you can use this field to enter a unique alpha-numeric ID for the node. E.g. a Location ID could be entered when you are creating a location node.
- The Location Node? toggle is turned off, by default. You will change that setting only if you are adding a location node.
- The Hierarchy Node field will be pre-populated with the parent node you clicked on when creating the node. If the node you are creating should be added under a different node in your hierarchy, you can change this.
When the node details have been entered, click on Create.
After you have created the node, the details will be displayed in the right-hand side of the interface, where you can edit any of the values you've already entered.
If you update the node details, click on Save.
Relate Tags, Attributes & Users
- When applicable, click on the '+' inside the Tags field to add tags to the node.
- When applicable, click on the '+' inside the Attributes field to add a Custom attribute (key-value pair) or Location ID attribute to your node.
- You can add individuals to the node when you are viewing the node details, by clicking on the Users tab. From here you can create a new user or add an existing user.
Changes to the users, tags, and attributes will save immediately. You do not need to save the node for these updates.
You can edit a node at a later time to add/update the users, tags, and attributes, or to update other details.
Simply click on the node in your hierarchy structure to open the editing interface.
Users, Tags, & Attributes are explained in more detail in separate articles.
When all non-location type nodes in your hierarchy have been created, you will be ready to add your location nodes.
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