Implementation Tip: To learn more about what tags are and how they can be applied to your organization for added value, check out this article. Only admin users have the ability to create and manage tags.
About Hierarchy Node Tagging:
- In Check, A hierarchy node may also be used to hide/show specific questions based on the location having the appropriate hierarchy node tag.
- In Check, hierarchy node tags can be used to control which locations a checklist is available to be performed at.
- Hierarchy node tags are applied to hierarchy nodes in account settings.
- All tags applied to the hierarchy node will be applied to future records belonging to the hierarchy node as record tags as well.
- Hierarchy nodes do not inherit hierarchy tags from their parent node. Tags must be added to the hierarchy nodes that the records are associated with.
Implementing Hierarchy Node Tags:
1) Create the Tags you wish to use to separate your location list
2) Apply Tags to your hierarchy nodes either individually (option 1), or in bulk (option 2).
Option 1: Individual Hierarchy Node Tagging
1. Navigate to Account Settings -> Organization Settings -> Hierarchy
2. Using the left side navigation panel or the search option, locate the hierarchy node that you wish to apply a tag to, and click on the hierarchy node.
3. In the right-side panel, click on the 'TAGS' tab to view the tag list for the hierarchy node.
4. Search the listing for the appropriate tag or 'Create a New Tag'.
Option 2: Bulk Hierarchy Node Tagging
1. Navigate to Account Settings -> Organization Settings -> Hierarchy
2. Click the 'Bulk Update' menu above the right-side panel and select 'Tags'
3. Search for, then click to add each hierarchy node you wish to apply the tag to. Then, search for the intended tag(s) and click to apply.
4. Click 'Add' to apply the selected tags to the selected hierarchy nodes.
5. Save the hierarchy node.
3) Navigate to Check -> Manage Checklists and create/edit the Checklist that contains questions you would like to hide or show via hierarchy tags.
4) When creating or editing a question, navigate to the 'Logic' tab. Click the '+ Add logic' link to add a new rule. Apply the appropriate hide/show as well as any(or)/all(and) settings. Select 'Tag' as your variable. Select the appropriate operator and hierarchy node tag.
5) Save the setting.
8) Don't forget to publish your Checklist.
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