To change your password, navigate to 'Account Settings' from any Intouch product.
From the 'My Account' section of 'Account Settings', open the action menu in the upper right corner.
Select 'Change Password'.
Enter your current password, then your new password, and then repeat your new password to confirm.
Passwords must be at least eight characters in length, and must meet at least three of the other four requirements:
- Uppercase letter (A-Z)
- Lowercase letter (a-z)
- Number (0-9)
- Special character (~`!@#$%^&*()-_=+{}[];:"'?/\,.<>)
When resetting a password, the user cannot use any of their last five passwords; the password they choose must be unique/new.
Click on Change Password to complete the process.
NOTE: The Change Password feature is only available in IntouchAccess.
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